It's March and the season is at our finger tips.

It's March and the season is at our finger tips.
This month I'm 46 years better, and we officially begin the 2023 season in DelMo Land. It all starts at the NYC Half Marathon on March 19th activating sponsorship on course. The following weekend we'll be working with our great friends at CGI Racing on the Love Run, Philadelphia's only Spring half marathon. There, we'll be tasked with course elements, aid station support, start/finish, structures and equipment. From the Love Run, we head to Washington, D.C. and the 50th Annual Credit Union Cherry Blossom, arguably, our largest event of the year. At CUCB, we are responsible for course, timing, and many elements of equipment and operations. Yes, never in my wildest dreams did I think March would be one of our busiest months of the year, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
To prepare for opportunities bestowed upon us, I made it a point to STEP AWAY, and spend QUALITY time with my family these past few months. I'm grateful my wife and children understand the trials of miles that accompany any event season and although I fret and beat myself up about missing out on certain things, they always remind me that they rather have a fully present dad for a few months than a dad around all the time but adrift in another reality. Read that again.
This brings me back to the title. If you are doing anything other than what ignites your soul, you are living half a life, or worse, a lie. Mind you… it doesn't matter what you do, it only needs to come from the center of your universe (known as your gut.)
This is where it gets good. A few weeks back, I went to the mountains with my family for some fun in the snow. There, I witnessed a man living his best life. His name was Will, and he works the corral at Windham Mountain. The purpose of the corral is to herd people safely, efficiently, and fairly as they get onto the lift up the mountain. It is a chaotic, demanding role and can EASILY get screwed up. Not only has Will mastered the technique of his craft, he dances, sings, and oozes joy while doing so. See Will in this video below. I never talked to the man, but I asked his fellow co-workers about him and they raved about his infectious enthusiasm only to be topped by his stamina for the gig. Here's how the conversation went
Me: "How long has he been here?
Co-Worker: "Who Will? 12 years. Anytime we have to give him a break for 30 minutes we're wiped out. He can go all day like that, he's a legend."
What do people say about you? Better yet, what do you say about you?
That's how you know you are doing what you were born of the cosmos to do. Again, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO, IT ONLY MATTERS THAT IT POURS OUT OF YOUR SOUL. I feel like that about what I do. When I watch Mrs. DelMo do her thing, I can see it there too. I saw it in my mother and father as they worked and built their businesses. I'm blessed to have been surrounded by self-discovery and passion without having to look far. But guess what, you don't have to look far… you just have to look and love and passion will make themselves known all around.
My hope for you is one of our events helps you realize what ignites you soul. Eons ago, triathlon helped me discover a confidence that I always struggled to reveal. Rather than keep it for myself, I decided to give others that same feeling and possibly affect 1,000's on one day instead of only me. This is my purpose. Whether I'm doing it for another company by putting out fence, or we're producing one of our owned races, where there are people coming together to be the best versions of themselves you'll find us close by… cause we love this sh*t.
love, delmo