Just after Thanksgiving and after 18 months of distancing, bobbing, weaving, masking, working in a liquor store, and countless live events, COVID entered my system and took a hold of me really good.

It was needed. Yes, I said that... IT. WAS. NEEDED.
Very few things, if any, can slow me down. It is my curse and my gift.
There is a reason DelMoSports and DelMoPRO are where they are today; regardless of how I feel on any particular day, I put those "feelings" aside and Go To Work. For better or worse, I run on less sleep than the average person. I also do not race as much (if at all) as I used to; couple that with a long list of 'healthy' things I should be doing. I made a conscious decision to place laser focus on creating a successful, sustainable company that was able to survive and ultimately thrive through a pandemic, of which all but shut down the live events world. More than a few times, my mother and father would peek in on me, take a look at my physical appearance and tell me "Please take care of yourself, slow down, take a rest" - all of those good things parents should say to their children when they worry.
But I knew better. I knew that if I took it easy, if I didn't take risks and if I played it safe, there would be no business, no Sports, no PRO, no Team DelMo, no office, no events, no nothing. I did what I had to do. No matter the impact on my business, or the time I spent (or lack thereof) with my children, my fitness, or health. And I would do it again. My wife, she's a Gun, she knew what had to be done... she's the one I tried to keep up with.
This is not a message of success, this is a message of asking you, "What do you want?" Do you know what you want? Most people don't. Most people 'think' they know what they want and when the first sign of resistance veers its omnipresent head they back down and conform to a comfortable neutral where every day is the same. To each their own.
So, I have taken the last 10 days or so to sleep at least 8 hours per day and not leave my house. Other than that, not much has changed. I worked (from home) every day. I communicated with my team via Teams/Zoom, I booked events for DelMoPRO in 2022 (you're going to see us everywhere) and helped successfully launch registration for Tri the Wildwoods and the Atlantic City Triathlon to their biggest openings ever. I followed up with sponsors, reviewed summary reports and set new meetings for new business. In short, I got more efficient at being what I needed to be: a better leader. When you're used to doing things yourself it's easy to not let go of the reins but I had no choice, and we're better off for it.
This forced isolation helped me reflect on all that has transpired and led me to a sweet conclusion: you only grow through the hard, never from the soft and this further cemented my belief that we're built to take whatever comes our way. Do you feel like that? About anything? I hope you do. I hope through all of this, our athletes, our sponsors, and our community partners all know we are more than an event company. We're what needs to be when we need to be, nothing more and certainly not anything less. I just wish it didn't take me this long and with suffering as much to realize.
My final thoughts of 2021 for you are this: you can, if you want to.
Love, DelMo