Meet Michael, a recovering alcoholic whose friend urged him to sign up for Escape the Cape a few years back on a whim. He is inspired by DelMoSports and Dr. Mitch of Greenepsych Clinical & Sport Psychology. He’s drinking the Kool-Aid of the Triathlon community and it’s very exciting!

Get to know Michael...
1. What is your favorite DelMoSports event to race and why?
I have two: Escape the Cape and TRI AC. Escape the Cape is one of my favorites because it was my induction to the sport and also open water swimming. TRI AC is my other favorite because after I did Escape for the first time I spent all summer learning the sport and I feel TRI AC was my first race where I knew what I was doing.

2. What is your favorite workout song?
Right now it's Til I Collapse by Eminem
3. Favorite pre-race meal?
Night before is always wheat pasta, ground turkey, pasta sauce, hot sauce and garlic bread.
4. What is your race mantra?
Just remember it Me vs Me. Don't worry about everyone else, you're not them.
5. What is your favorite memory from a DelMoSports event?
Jumping off the boat from Escape The Cape in my first triathlon. I had a horrible fear of open water going back to being a child and I was finally facing it.
6. What does your training look like right now?
Whatever my coach has me do, lol!
7. What do you do with your free time when you are not training or racing?
Work and spending time with my pregnant girlfriend and her 9 year old special needs son. He is my role model, dude always has something going on with him but is the happiest kid you will ever meet!!!
8. What is your goal for this upcoming season?
Escape from Alcatraz!!!
9. Tell us three things we should know about you.
- I'm in recovery (7 years sober)
- Not only do I love DelMo events, so does my girlfriend and her son. DelMo events brings nothing but positive vibes and accepts everyone for who they are. We love taking LJ to them for that reason
- Triathlon has pushed me to step out of my comfort zone more than I could have ever imagined.