If you are a DelMo regular, you might have heard Lisa's cheers from far away.
Lisa has been with us from the beginning. She's an incredible asset to our events as she SHINES while she is participating AND volunteering. Always smiling and cracking jokes and cheering on each and every single athlete whether it's at registration, the start line, along the course or the finish line. She shows such dedication that we thought, what better way to dedicate Lisa than give her the spotlight in this month's newsletter!
1. What is your favorite DelMoSports event to race and volunteer?
My favorite event to participate is Tri the Wildwoods and favorite event to volunteer... ALL of them! Each one has a special meaning for the athletes and me.
2. What is your favorite volunteer shift?
Transition or Finish Line. Each one is different and has challenges.
3. What is your favorite workout song?
For swimming, I prefer Tao-traditional Japanese kodo drumming. It sets my heartbeat. For running, it would be Grateful Dead Touch of Grey.
4. Favorite pre-race meal?
Pre-race meal would have to be oatmeal. BUT my pos- race meal is Elaine's Dinner Theatre in Cape May.
5. What is your race mantra?
My college motto: "Essayons I will try!"
6. What do you do with your free time when you are not training, racing or volunteering?
I work at the pool and the park. Any time I have left, I am with my family.
7. Tell us three things we should know about you.
- I ran the Marine Corps Marathon
- I play 3 instruments in Community Band: Flute, Piccolo, and Oboe
- I have a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do