Joseph Antonelli - November is the month of Thanks.

Who better to highlight and give our thanks to but the one and only Joe Antonelli. Joe volunteered with DelMoSports at every single event in the 2021 race season. He showed up rain or shine. He was ready to roll up his sleeves and dive into any volunteer position we needed him for. Joe volunteers with Good Shepherd UMC. We are thankful for you Joe! Cheers to you! **PS- he is already signed up to volunteer in 2022, who's gonna join him!?
1. What is your favorite DelMoSports event to volunteer at and why?
- Might sound kind of corny, but I like to volunteer for all the races, and they are all unique and I see some of the same people.
2. What is your favorite volunteer shift?
- At first it was traffic/course marshal, but now I like to volunteer at bike transition because I could help more. And also I like to Volunteer with all the wonderful Staff at DelMoSports and help out where needed.
3. Favorite pre-volunteer meal?
- Anything bread-based, toast, bagels, etc. I get nervous just like the racers but I have to work much longer.
4. What is your favorite memory from a DelMoSports event?
- My favorite memory from a DelMoSports event is taking a selfie with Steve, the man, the myth, the legend. And also while volunteering with a Triathlon in Atlantic City, a lot of racers came up to me after the race and thanked me for helping out with questions on their bikes.
5. What do you do with your free time when you are NOT volunteering?
- Thats easy, BIKE! I am also a Chaplin for Boy Scout Troop 94, and we are looking forward to Volunteering again, (three years) under my enthusiasm to volunteer.
6. We know you volunteer to help raise monies for Good Shepherd UMC. Does the group do anything special with the fundraising efforts?
- The funds we raise for Good Shepherd go to Local Missions, like food bank, disaster relief, homeless shelters, etc. These funds go a LONG way!
7. Tell us three things we should know about you.
- I’ve been biking 🚴🏼 all my life, I served in the United States Air Force, special police, and I love to volunteer, to share my experiences, And may I add one more thing, I’ve been working with Home Depot for 16 years, and people at my work know I like to help other people.
Learn more about volunteering by reaching out to Denise: